Weight Loss Antidepressants

There are many health risks when using weight loss anti depressants. If you have been prescribed these pills for treating your depression, you need to be aware of the potential side effects. They are very powerful drugs and can affect the way you think and feel. Although they are used to treat major depression, many people end up on them to help them lose weight.

You may find that after taking the weight loss anti depressants, you suffer from insomnia, panic attacks, and can't get to sleep at night. In severe cases, these medications can lead to hallucinations and delusions. There have been cases where patients have committed suicide after taking these drugs. This is definitely not a good combination to have! If you have not had depression or any other mental problems in the past, you should avoid taking any of these pills.

The medication acts like a drug and needs to be monitored regularly. In fact, it can become addictive. Weight loss pills with strong sedatives or narcotics can have similar side effects as being addicted to them. Some of the common side effects include dizziness, lack of coordination, slurred speech, nausea, diarrhea, and a racing heart.

Many times, an anti-depressive drug may cause weight gain since they increase the levels of DHT. DHT is a hormone that binds with the fat cells in the body. This will cause obesity and can cause long term health conditions. If this happens, you may be at high risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. You may also be more susceptible to infections and diseases of the lungs.

Your doctor may prescribe low-dose antidepressants, but these are usually only suitable for mild to moderate depression and must be taken under a physician's care. Some weight loss antidepressants, however, act as an anti-depressant and some anti-psychotic drugs can be used for this purpose. They should be used with care, however, since too often anti-depressants cause rebound problems.

Weight loss anti depressants, unlike diet supplements, are rarely approved by the FDA for their intended use. If you decide to take one of these weight loss anti depressants, you should always consult your doctor or health care provider before doing so. Although they are prescribed by doctors to treat depression, they are still powerful medications. If you are pregnant, nursing or taking certain medications, you should avoid any type of weight loss antidepressants. The possible risks include miscarriage, birth defects, premature delivery, or drug withdrawal syndrome.

Because diet supplements and antidepressants work so well together, many people choose to combine the two. However, when used separately, they may not be as effective. For example, taking a dietary supplement before starting an exercise program may not only increase your chances of losing weight, but also improve your health. Exercise should be done gradually and intensity should be maintained during the program. Combining diet and exercise, however, can lead to an overall increase in weight, because most diet supplements contain stimulants that can affect your metabolism. If you choose to use them, be sure to talk to your doctor about possible side effects, including how to prevent the weight loss side effects.

One of the most important things to remember when using weight loss aids is to maintain a healthy diet and exercise plan. If you eat too much or drink too much, you will have less energy. In addition, an unhealthy diet can make you feel hungrier than normal, so that you consume more calories even when you don't feel hungry. When combined with poor diet and exercise, weight loss supplements may not be your best choice. However, if you do your part by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can lose weight safely and effectively. If you are willing to try an over the counter anti depressant supplement to help you with weight loss, consult your doctor before starting any new medical treatment.
