Weight Loss Anti Depression Drugs - What Are They and How Do They Work?

Weight loss and anti-depressive drugs go hand in hand for a lot of people. This is why a lot of weight-loss drugs have become popular over the years. Before learning about the truth of these claims, let's take a closer look at what depression is and how it affects the human brain.

It is a serious disorder that can lead to various kinds of physical and mental disorders. Some of its symptoms include severe mood swings, lack of concentration, decreased interest in things that used to bring pleasure, changes in behavior and appetite, feelings of worthlessness or insignificance, and suicidal thoughts. These are just some of the signs that indicate that a person is suffering from depression.

People who suffer from depression will usually try everything they can to end this feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. In an attempt to fight off these feelings, they resort to different forms of weight loss antidepressants. These drugs can help them get rid of the feeling of depression. However, not all of them work. Some of them can even worsen the situation.

Among the most commonly used forms of weight loss antidepressants are tricyclics like Tofranil (Tofranil) and Pamelorapram (Parmo). These are known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI. SSRIs are also known as Prozac and Zoloft. There are also mixed antidepressants which combine different types of antidepressant drugs.

However, SSRIs are considered the most effective in weight loss and depression. They are able to change the shape of the brain, which means it can inhibit the neurochemical serotonin from being reabsorbed into the fatty cells and muscle tissue. This makes the brain feel less desperate and more happy. Since serotonin is responsible for regulating mood and appetite, this drug has great potential to improve one's lifestyle.

The problem with most of the weight loss anti depressants is that they only address one facet of the depression issue. They may provide temporary relief for a few days but once you stop taking them, your depression will most likely come back. This is the reason why you have to be very careful when you decide to use any form of depression medication.

In addition to these SSRIs, there are also tricyclics which have a similar effect. They can work in a similar way though. However, this drug is able to reduce only one type of hormone which results to lesser effect. However, it is still considered to be very effective. Many people have also reported that they experience a reduction in appetite and feel much happier.

Another very common anti depression drug is mirtazapine, which is usually prescribed for treating obesity and very popular amongst women. It works by blocking the receptors of serotonin and norepinephrine thus causing the patient to have a lack of appetite and desire to eat. This makes weight loss much more difficult as the person just doesn't feel the need to eat. Furthermore, they also cause anxiety and nervousness hence making it harder to maintain an active social life. Mirtazapine is also known to cause rebound insomnia which means once the medication is discontinued, the patient experiences severe depression again.

Oxidation inhibitors are another type of drug used for weight loss, which is found in over-the-counter supplements. They are used in situations where the patient's blood sugar level is extremely low. They have been found out to slow down the process of fat formation and increase the burning of calories by up to 40%. The side effect however is usually dizziness, tiredness and palpitations. This is why you need to consult your physician first before taking any kind of non prescription weight loss supplement.

Bupropion and Tenex are two drugs that are commonly prescribed to counteract the effect of antidepressants. They work by counteracting the chemicals GABA and Serotonin. They also reduce blood pressure and increase heart rate. Side effects include anxiety, fainting, confusion and upset stomach. Although these antidepressants are able to provide relief from depression, they are not able to stop eating and result in a rebound gain of weight.

Medications like Effexor, Prozac and Paxil are highly regarded as weight loss drugs because they can help a person lose weight in a safe manner. They work by altering the serotonin levels in the brain. In addition to that they are also able to curb cravings, which are often experienced during depressive spell. However, like any medication these also have their side effects. Some patients also experience anxiety and panic attacks while on these drugs. As a matter of fact, one in four Americans suffer from depression and one in eleven will suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.
