The Different Phases of Weight Loss For Healthier Lifestyle

A woman who has a few low carb, high protein phases of weight loss, sits at the coffee table with a cup of coffee, wearing a frilly, silver top, short skirts, high heels and a goblet of coffee, sits on the couch with her feet up on the armrest, holding a large goblet of herself, drinking the coffee and appreciating the difference in herself. This scenario speaks to all women. One day, this might become a reality for you too. It's time to take charge and make a life altering decision.

Weight loss phases of weight loss are crucial and necessary to achieving your goals. Your body and metabolism need time to change and to adjust to the new diet and lifestyle changes that you are proposing. As your metabolism changes, your body weight changes. The first two phases of weight loss journey are known as the YOYO and the WL.

The YOYO stage of weight loss is about enjoying the fruits of your hard work through moderate exercise that produces long-lasting results. You need to start with small amounts of exercise to test how your body responds to this type of diet. The goal is to build body weight endurance and strength through the combined effects of strength-building exercise, fat burning exercise, and diet adaptation. You can start out gradually, such as with just 30 minutes or an hour at a time, until your body weight and stamina responses well to the new diet and exercise routines. Some women choose to work longer during the YOYO stage, such as several days or weeks at a time.

You should now be at a stage where you have some body weight endurance and strength. Your body's metabolic rate is slowly adapting to the new diet and exercise routines that you have been advocating. It is now time to increase your calorie intake so that you can increase your body weight and calorie-burning capacity. It is important to incorporate exercises that will allow for this type of weight regain.

The third stage of the weight loss journey is the WL or the Weight Loss Phase. It is also known as the maintenance stage, because your weight loss efforts should now be focused on keeping the weight off rather than trying to gain it back. In this stage, you should still be doing the moderate exercise that you started with but now the focus should be on weight loss. You should still be eating healthy foods to promote healthy eating habits, but now you should be increasing the amount of calories you are eating per meal and per day.

The fourth and final stage of losing weight is the permanent loss of weight. In this stage, you will no longer be tempted by food, and you will no longer need to continually work out to maintain your current weight. You will instead reach a stage where you stop trying to gain back any weight that you have lost. At this point in time, you will feel like you have accomplished everything that you set out to do. You should be proud that you have reached this final stage of your weight regain and know that you can now live a life without the need to overindulge in food or gain weight in order to survive.

You should be aware that each stage of the weight loss program will take at least six months to one year to accomplish. This gives you enough time to be able to properly adapt your lifestyle so that you do not get bored with exercising. You should also realize that in order to successfully lose one hundred twenty pounds, you will need to exercise at least one hour every other day, and you will need to maintain your weight loss program for one year before you will see any results. Losing ten percent of your body weight in a short period of time is impressive, but it will not help you to stay at that weight for the rest of your life.

When you are performing the different phases of your program, you will find that the first three phases work together to form a balanced plan for losing weight. Once you have lost thirty pounds through this method, you will be ready for the last two stages which will help you keep the weight off permanently. By following your doctor's orders and having a proper diet, you can use these phases of weight loss to ensure that you can lose weight regain a normal life without the need to overindulge in food.
