How Much Weight Can You Lose in Five Months With This Program? Find Out Here

This is a review of the program, Chrissy Metz Weight Loss. Created by Jennifer Schneider, PhD and Ashlie2019 Stockings, the program offers a non-medical, easy-to-use program to help women lose weight. Using ”diet wisdom” based on the Eating Plan, the program teaches women how to set and meet healthy and balanced eating plans. By using a series of books, CDs, DVDs and the Weight Watchers website, participants learn to:

The program also offers online support for its users. Since many of its methods are similar to those used in other weight loss programs, participants need only keep their weekly log in order to track their progress. As with other programs, this one also teaches participants to change their diets every few days. This is important because, as the program suggests, we need to eat the same foods every day in order to achieve long-term weight loss; therefore, it makes sense to eat the same foods every day no matter how much you weigh now. By eating several small meals each day, participants can ensure that they get the recommended amount of vitamins and nutrients every day and avoid feeling hungry all the time.

The program also claims that it can help participants lose 100 pounds in five months, although it has been reported that it takes much more than that to actually lose weight. As with any weight loss plan, the truth lies somewhere in between. For a week, I gave it a try; after a few months, I had lost over two hundred pounds total! The trick was the exercise; while the program requires participants to walk at least 20 minutes each day, participants are encouraged to exercise even longer than that. However, this does not seem to be enough to counter the effects of the Sedona Method, which is the biggest reason why I did not lose the weight in the five months that I was on this program.

Chrissy Metz Weight Loss Plan
